Coating and Plating Specifications















MIL-A-8625TYPE I – ConventionalTYPE IB – Low VoltageCLASS 1 – Non DyedCLASS 2 – Dyed 0.00002-0.0003Clear to dark graydepending on alloy. Not to be applied with copper content in excess of 50% silicon in excess 7.0% and when total alloying elements exceed 7.5% Non-conductive, good paint base, poor abrasion resistance, not good for dyes except black, should be used.




MIL-A-8625TYPE IICLASS 1 – Non DyedCLASS 2 – Dyed



All Colors

Not to be applied to assemblies or

part with joints or recesses which might entrap solution. Good electrical

barrier and paint base. May be dyed in all colors. Dichromate seal

will impart yellow color. Produces excellent decorative finishes

when the part is either polished, brushed, or bright dipped prior

to anodizing. Good abrasion resistance.

ANODIZE– HARD(includes Martin and Surge Hardcoat)


MIL-A-8625TYPE IIICLASS 1 – Non DyedCLASS 2 – Dyed Unlessotherwise specified, 0.0016/0.0024 will be applied. Color will vary

alloy and thickness.

Densehard wear resistant coating. Coatings are approximately 50% penetration

and 50% buildup. Excellent dielectric and heat absorption properties.

Should be considered for salvage applications. Sealing greatly increases

corrosion resistance, but slightly reduces wearing qualities. Teflon

sealing may be added to increase lubricity.



ALUMINUM NONE No DimensionalchangeAll colors The ultimateseal for corrosion resistance on alloys. We have independent salt

spray tests that have withstood 1,000+ hours without pitting on 6061

and 2024 aluminum alloys.


ARCHITECTURAL (Kalcolor process: also called Bronze Anodize)

5052-H34& 6063-T6ALUMINUM ALLOYS AluminumAssociation StandardAA-A42 – CLASS IAA-A3A – CLASS IIASTM B580 CLASSI – 0.0007 minimumCLASS II – 0.0004 – 0.0007Light to dark bronze. Integral-color(non-dyed) hardcoat. Excellent corrosion and abrasion resistance.

Non-dyed integral-color is lightfast and depends on alloy used. CLASS

I is recommended for exterior applications and CLASS II for interior





NONE 0.0001-0.0004ClearAll colors A method ofanodizing letters, symbols, characters, logos, and numerals on an

anodized background. The letters are of one color and the background

of another. Superior to regular ink printing because of the corrosion

and solvent resistance of anodize, and is an excellent alternative

to engraving.


ALL In accordancewith applicable plating specification No dimensionalchange Slight staining may result Used for hydrogenembrittlement or stress relief before and/or after processing, for

improving the adhesion of plating the base metal, and increasing the

hardness of plating.


IRON,STEEL, STAINLESSSTEEL, COPPER, ALLOYS MIL-C-13924 CLASS 1 – Iron & SteelCLASS 2 – 400 series     stainlesssteelCLASS 3 – Fused salt     processCLASS 4 – Stainless steel MIL-F-495 Nodimensional change Black Poorabrasion resistance. Poor corrosion resistance except for some 300

series stainless steels with CLASS 4 coating. Used where a black surface

and low light reflection is required. Supplementary wax or oil dip

(VV-L-800 Preservative Water Displacing Oil) Will improve appearance

and corrosion resistance. Good for decorative purposes when base metal

is polished before processing protection is included.


(includes glass bead and powder blasting)

ALL MIL-STD-1504 RemovesmetalDull to semi-bright Forremoving scale and rust, etc., and blending imperfections. The amount

of metal removed will depend on media selected. May be used for decorative

and optical finishes. Provides uniform matte finish before decorative


BRASS ALL NONE .0002-.0005Dull to bright Normally precededby bright nickel plate and pst treated with a coat of clear lacquer

or baked enamel.

BRIGHTDIPS ALUMINUM, BRASS, COPPER NONE Removes metalBright Chemical polishingwhich improves appearance of finishes on aluminum, bass and copper.

Used for cleaning metal before welding and pressure testing

CADMIUM ALL QQ-P-416TYPE I – Without    supplementarychromate    treatmentTYPE II – With      supplementary

chromate    treatmentTYPE III – With    supplementary

phosphate    treatment

CLASS1 – 0.0005CLASS 2 – 0.0003CLASS 3 – 0.0002TYPE I – ClearTYPE II – Gold

TYPE II – Gray

Dull to bright

Mostcommonly used plating. High density of plate affords excellent corrosion

resistance. TYPE I coating is very susceptible to stains and fingerprints.

TYPE II coating is excellent for resistance to moisture and humidity,

and a paint base. Chromate colors besides gold are clear, black, and

olive drab. TYPE III is a good paint base. Stress relief is required

on metal with a hardness of Rockwell C34 or above before plating and

hydrogen embrittlement relief is required on metal with a hardness

of Rockwell C36 or above after plating.

CHEMICALFILMS(Alodine, Iridite, etc.) ALUMINUM MIL-C-5541CLASS 1A for maximum     protectionagainst corrosion     on painted or unpainted     surfacesCLASS 3 for protection     against

corrosion where low     electrical resistance is     required.

No dimensionalchangeGold or clear as specified. Used mainlyas a point base that improves paint adhesion. Good corrosion resistance.

Electrically conductive. Normally gold color unless otherwise specified.

CLASS 3 coating is used primarily for low electrical resistance contact

and has less corrosion resistance that CLASS 1A coating.

CHROMIUM ALL QQ-C-320CLASS 1 – Corrosion    protective(decorative)TYPE I – BrightTYPE II – SatinCLASS 2 – Engineering


CLASS 1 –0.0001 – 0.00005 (plus underplate)CLASS 2 – 0.002 unless otherwise specifiedDull to bright Decorativechrome is normally applied over copper and nickel plate. TYPE I bright

coating is put on either the base metal that is polished or as is.

TYPE II satin coating is put on the base metal that is either blasted,

grained or brushed. Hard chrome is plated directly on the base metal.

Parts requiring heavy metal deposits should be overplated and ground

to the final finished dimension.

COPPER ALL MIL-C-14550 CLASS 0 –0.001 – 0.005CLASS 1 – 0.001 min.CLASS 2 – 0.0005 min.CLASS 3 – 0.0002 min.CLASS 4 – 0.0001 min. Stop off forheat treat (CLASS 0) and carburizing (CLASS 1). Undercoat for other

plated metals to improve adhesion, corrosion resistance, and to increase

electrical conductivity (CLASS 2). Under tin plating to prevent base

metal migration into the tin to poison solderability (CLASS 3 and


DOW #1(Chrome Pickle) MAGNESIUM MIL-M-3171TYPE I Removes 0.0006– 0.001 metalGray to brown For temporarycorrosion resistance. Affords such protection as may be required during

machining, shipment, and storage. My be used as a paint base.

DOW #7(Dichromate Treatment) MAGNESIUM MIL-M-3171TYPE III No dimensionchangeBrassy to dark rown Good paintbase. Best corrosion protection of the chemical coatings for magnesium.

May be applied to all alloys except EK30A, EK+1A, EZ33A, HK31A, M1A,

HM31A, HM21A, and LA141A.

DOW #9(Galvanic Anodize) MAGNESIUM MIL-M-3171TYPE IV No dimensionchangeDark brown to black Good paintbase. Used on alloys that won’t take DOW #7 and parts requiring a

non-reflective black coating.

DOW #17(Anodize) MAGNESIUM MIL-M-45202TYPE I – Light CoatingCLASS C – Light green coatingTYPE II – Heavy CoatingCLASS D – Dark green coating TYPE I CLASSC 0.0001 – 0.0005Light GreenTYPE II CLASS D 0.0009 – 0.0016Dark Green Machiningallowances must be made. Good paint base and corrosion protection.

Hard non-conductive coating. Castings should be picked, prior to machining,

to remove scale and insure uniformity of the coating. The coating

thickness is approximately 40% penetration and 60% buildup.

DOW#19(Chromic Acid Touch Up) MAGNESIUM MIL-M-3171TYPE VI Nodimensional changeBrassy to Brown Commonlyused to touch up rack marks, surface scratches, reworked areas, and

surfaces that have been remachined or abraded.

DOW # 21(Ferric Nitrate Bright Pickle) MAGNESIUM NONE Removes metalSatin to Bright Good paintbase. Poor corrosion resistance. May be coated with laquer or clear

bake enamel to preserve brightness.

DOW #23(Stannate Immersion) MAGNESIUM NONE Under 0.0001Gray Layer of tinthat retards galvanic corrosion from dissimilar metals. Good paint

base and has low electrical resistance.

ELECTROLESSNICKEL ALL AMS 2404CLASS 1 – As plated, no subsequent heat treatmentCLASS 2 – Heat treated to obtain required hardnessCLASS 3 – On aluminum alloys, nonheat-treatable, & beryllium alloys,processed to verify nickel adhesionCLASS 4 – On aluminum alloys, heat-treatable, processed to verify

nickel adhesion

THICKNESSAS SPECIFIEDSemi-bright 100% uniformityof plating thickness on all accessible internal and external areas.

Exceptionally good for salvage purposes. Good corrosion, oxidation,

and wear resistance. Facilitates soldering on aluminum and brazing

on stainless steel. CLASS 1 and CLASS2 coated steel parts. Rockwell

C33 or above, are baked for hydrogen embrittlement relife. CLASS 2

coated parts are additionally heated to 450 degrees F. or more, to

harden the nickel deposit. This heat treatment should increase the

plating hardness to 800 Knoop or better, for CLASS 2 coatings.

ETCHING MOST NONE Removes metal.Dull to bright To improveappearance, remove burrs and oxidation, clean for spot welding, give

satin finish, etc.

GOLD ALL MIL-G-45204TYPE I – 99.7% gold minGRADES A, B, OR CTYPE II – 99.0% gold min.GRADES B, C, OR D

   TYPE III – 99.9% gold min.

GRADE A (only)

CLASS00 – .00002 minCLASS 0 – .00003 minCLASS 1 – .00005 minCLASS 2 – .0001 minCLASS 3 – .0002 min

CLASS 4 – .0003 min

CLASS 5 – .0005 min

CLASS 6 – .0015 min

Dull to bright

GRADEA – Knoop hardness 90 max.GRADE B – Knoop hardness 91-129.GRADE C – Knoop hardness 130-200.GRADE D – Knoop hardness 201 and over.Good solderability, corrosion, and tarnish resistance. When plated

on a copper rich surface such as brass, bronze, beryllium copper,

copper strike or plate, a nickel underplate is applied to prevent

diffusion of the copper and the gold. Coating thickness of .00005

– .0001 is best for soldering.

HAE(A superior type of anodic coating) MAGNESIUM MIL-M-45202TYPE I – Light coatingCLASS A – Tan coatingGRADE 1 – No post treatmentGRADE 2 – With bifluoride

dichromate post treatment

TYPE II – Heavy coating

CLASS A – Hard brown coating

GRADE 1 – No post treatment

GRADE 3 – With bifluoride-


post treatmentGRADE 4 – With bifluoride-      dichromate

post treatment including      moist

heat aging

GRADE 5 – Same as GRADE except      double

bifluoride-dichromate post      treatment

TYPE I CLASSA 0.0001 – 0.0003TanTYPE II CLASS A 0.0013 – 0.0017Oatmeal to dark brown It is generallyagreed by most authorities that this treatment is the best all around

coating for magnesium in existence. The coating thickness is approximately

35 to 40 percent penetration and 55 to 60 percent buildup. When selected

organic post-treatments are applied, a salt spray test of up to 1000

hours is possible. The coating is non-conductive. TYPE II coatings

have extremely good resistance to abrasion. TYPE I light coatings

are normally tan in color. TYPE II heving coatings will range from

an oatmeal color to dark brown, depending on the thikness of the coating.

HAE coatings are not affected by extream tempurature variations. A

heavy coated panel heated to 1075 degrees F. and plunged into ice

water will show no ill effects to the coating. This process can be

selectively applied by masking the areas that have to be free of coating

for: electrical grounding, close tolerance dimensions, heavy buildups

for salvage purposes, etc. The coating may be used on all magnesium


HARDNESS/CONDUCTIVITY TESTING ALL ASTM E18MIl-STD-1537 No dimensionchangeNo appearance change Hardness testingis used to check the temper or condition of materials. The results

are expressed in the Rockwell superficial bardness of metallic materials.

Hardness values for nonferrous alloys do not give absolute correlation

with mechanical properties, as with ferrous alloys. Hardness testing

on nonferrous alloys should be used to detect incorrect heat treating

or damage caused by maching. Conductivity testing uses electromagnetic

introduction to test physical properties such as hardening, anneling,

changes in alloy composition, heat treating, and aging, etc.

IRIDITE#15 MAGNESIUM MIL-M-3171TYPE VIII Experienceshows it may remove metalBrassy to dark brown Good paintbase on all alloys. Limited corrosion protection. Used for alloys

that won’t take Dow #7. Careful control is necessary to avoid etching

of base metal.

MAGNETICPARTICLE INSPECTION STEEL ANDMAGNESIUM MATERIALS ASTM E14444 No dimensionalchangeNo appearance change This inspectionmethod is used for detecting cracks, seams, laps, inclusions, welding

flaws, and dicontinuities on the surfaces of ferromagnetic materials.

NICKEL(Electrodeposited) ALL QQ-N-290CLASS 1 – Corrosion protectiveCLASS 2 – Engineering (Also see SULFAMATE NICKEL) CLASS 1&nbsp &nbsp GRADE A – .0016&nbsp &nbsp GRADE B – .0012&nbsp &nbsp GRADE C – .0010&nbsp &nbsp GRADE D – .0008

&nbsp &nbsp GRADE E – .0006

&nbsp &nbsp GRADE F – .0004

&nbsp &nbsp GRADE G – .0002

CLASS 2 – as specified

There is anickel finish for almost any need. Nickel can be deposited in soft

or hard form, dull or bright finish. Corrosion resistance is related

to the thinkness applied. Low thermal expansion. Slightly magnetic.

CLASS 2 plating will be .002 to .003 thick unless otherwise specified,

but may be controlled to fit any engineering application. CLASS 1

coatings that include copper undercoat are used for decorative chromium

systems. Embrittlement relief is required on all metals with hardnesses

above Rockwell C40.

PAINTING(Spray) All MIL-T-704MIL-F-7179MIL-F-18264 Thicknessas specifiedColors per FED-STD-595 or custom matched Our facilitiescan apply matherials such as alkyd, acrylic, epoxy, and polyurethane

enamels; vinyl and acrylic lacquers; varnishes and resin coatings;

epoxy, acid-wash, red oxide, and zinc chromate primers. Finishes such

as class A, hammertone, wrinkle, and texture. Also, see SOLID


PASSIVATE STAINLESSSTEELS QQ-P-35TYPE II – Medium temperature    nitricacid solution with sodium    dichromate additiveTYPE VI – Low temp. nitric acid    solutionTYPE VII – Medium Temp. nitric     acid

solution&nbsp  TYPE VIII – Medium temp. high     concentration

nitric acid solution

No dimensionalchangeNo appearance change Dissolvesall traces of foreign metals such as peices of iron particles, tool

scrapings, chips, etc., that will cause rust or stain spots if they

are not removed. A thin, transparent passive film forms over the surface

and prevents this condition from occurring. The presence of rust and/or

heavy heat treat scale may necessitate a pre-pickle. For the 400 and

precipitation hardening series of stainless steels, the proper heat

treatment is very important to ensure complete passivation. Our inspection

personnel conduct the required copper sulfate, salt spray, and water

immersion inspection tests in our own testing department and chemical

laboratory in accordance with MIL-STD-753 and ASTM B117. (see


PENETRANTINSPECTION  ALL MIL-STD-6866TYPE I – Fluorescent dyeTYPE II – Visible dyeMETHOD A – Water washableMETHOD B – Post emulsifiable      (lipophilic)

METHOD C – Solvent      removable

METHOD D – Post emulsifiable      (hydrophilic)

 .0002-.0004metal removal on aluminum and magnesium alloysNo dimensional change on other types of metalsNo appearance change This processis generally used on aluminum, magnesium, and stainless steels. It

can, however, be useful on other metals and materials. Detects cracks,

discontiuities, corrosion, welding flaws, laps, cold shuts and porosity.

Prepenetrant etching is performed on aluminum and magnesium parts.

Critical surface finishes and areas with close tolerances are masked,

as required, to protect them from metal removal, prior to the etching


PHOSPHATE(Heavy) IRON AND STEEL DOD-P-16232TYPE Z- Zinc baseCLASS 1 – Specified treatment of    supplementary

preservativeCLASS 2 – MIL-C-16173GRADE 1 preservative treatmentCLASS 3 – No supplementary    preservative


CLASS 4 – Chemically converted

 .0002-.00061022 mg/sq ft minimum coating weightGray Used for corrosionprotections of ferrous metals. Also used to prevent galling in cold

extrusion and deep-drawing applications. Not recommended if the coating

is expected to come in contact with alkaline materials or to be exposed

to temperatures above 200 degrees F. CLASS 2 and CLASS 4 coatings

extend the corrosion protection of the phosphate. MIL-L-3150 oil may

be used as an alternative for very small parts under CLASS 2. CLASS

4 provides an improved break-in coating.

PHOSPHATE(Light) IRON AND STEEL TT-C-490 ZincbaseTYPE ITYPE V  Minordimensional change150-500 mg/sq ft coating weight500-1100 mg/sq ft coating weight. Gray  Usedfor pretreatment of base metal for organic coatings such as primer

enamel, lacquer, etc. Improves corrosion resistance of the base metal,

and promotes better adhesion between the base metal and the organic

coating. Also, use for post treatment of both cadmium and zinc plating.

 PICKLING ALL Inaccordance with applicable plating specifications RemovesmetalCleaner and brighter surface Generallyused as a cleaner to remove corrosion, rust, and scale from heat treating

or weling. The hazards involved in this process should be investigated

before using.

 POLISHING ALL NONE Removes metalSatin to bright Bright buffingand satin brushing, or graining for plated or unplated decorative

finishes. Removes surface imperfections.

PREVENTIVECOMPOUND SOLVENT CUTBACK COLD- APPLICATION  ALL  MIL-C-16173GRADE 1 – Hard filmGRADE 3 – Soft filmGRADE 4 – Transparent, non-     tackyfilmGRADE 5 – Hot water-low    pressure

removable film

GRADE 1 –.004 max. (0 to 175 degrees F. resistant)GRADE 2 – .002 max. (-40 degrees F. resistant)GRADE 3 – .001 maximumGRADE 4 – .002 max. (-40 to 175 degrees F. resistant)GRADE 5- .001 maximum

Brown to black

Corrosionpreventives are applied in a petroleum solvent. The solvent evaporates

leaving a protective film. GRADE 1 is for metals exposed to outdoor

weather, for up to one year. GRADE 2 is for machine parts, indoors

for up to six months. GRADE 3 is for displacing water and protection

of interior parts for up to four months. GRADE 4 is for indoor or

shed storage of parts. Also, where a tack-free or translucent coating

is required. GRADE 5 is the same as GRADE 3 except the film is removed

with hot water or low pressure steam.

SILK SCREENPRINTING ALL AS SPECIFIED(Also see ANODIZE PRINTING) No dimensionalchangeAll colors An excellentmeans to label parts for identification and information with enamel,

epoxy, lacquer, plastisol or vinyl inks. Print on metal anodized,

bare, painted, plated, etc.

SILVER ALL  QQ-S-365TYPE I – MatteTYPE II – Semi-brightTYPE III – BrightGRADE A – With supplementary    tarnish-resistant


GRADE B- Without supplementary    tarnish-resistant


 .0005unless otherwise specified.Suggested are: .0003 for soldering parts; .0005 for corrosion protection

of nonferrous basis metals and increasing conductivity of basis metals.005 minimum – See REMARKS

Excellentconductivity. Application of light water dip lacquer or chromate treatment

per GRADE A does not impair solderability. Greatly increases conductivity

of lesser metals. Ferrous surfaces require and undercoat of .0005

comprised of copper or nickel or any combination. Nickel undercoat

is advantageous when corrosion protection is important. .005 minimum

thick coating is suggested for electrical contacts depending on pressure,

friction, and electrical load.



.0002-.0005Dull gray to black Pretreatmentcompatible with base material is normally necessary (anodize, chemical

film, cadmium plate, blasting if required, etc.).Low co-efficient of friction reduces wear, prevents galling and seizing.

Excellent fluid and corrosion resistance when used in conjunction

with pretreatment.

SULFAMATENICKEL ALL  QQ-N-290CLASS 2 .002-.003or as specifiedSemi-bright Low stressednickel deposit. Used for wear and abrasion resistance. Also, for heavy

buildups on worn parts and for salvage purposes.

TESTING ALL PLATEDANDUNPLATED  ASTM B117– Salt sprayMIL-STD-753METHOD 100 – HumidityMETHOD 101 – Water immersionMETHOD 102 – Copper sulfate No dimensionalchangeNo appearance change These testsare designed to verify the integrity of various metals and metal surface

finishes. The salt spray method is used extensively for testing of

anodize, chemical films, and plated metal coatings. The salt spray,

humidity, water immersion, and copper sulfate methods are used to

check on the passivity of stainless steel after the passivation process.

TIN ALL  MIL-T-10727TYPE I – ElectrodepositedTYPE II – Hot-dipped TYPE I – Thicknessnot specified,suggested are:.0001-.00025 for soldering.0002-.0004 to prevent galling or    seizing.003 minimum to prevent corrosion of    base


.0002-.0006 to prevent case forming in    nitriding

TYPE II – .0007 minimum

Dull gray to bright silver.

Dull (matte)or bright appearance must be specified. Underplate of copper or nickel

must be used on brass and zinc alloys. Excellent solderability and

fair corrosion resistance. At room temperature TYPE I dull plating

oxidizes or slowly but bright plating oxidizes less readily. Parts

to be soldered or used for electrical contacts can be protected from

oxide formation by a preservative coating of stearic acid as specified.

TYPE I plating may be fused but thickness will vary after treatment.

A maximum of .0003 thick plating must be maintained to permit satisfactory

fusing. TYPE II hot-dipped coating is used on parts for maximum corrosion


ZINC ALL  ASTM B633TYPE I – Without supplementary    treatmentTYPE II – With colored chromate    conversioncoatingsTYPE III – With colorless chromate    conversion

coatingsTYPE IV – With phosphate conversion


Fe/Zn25 (25 microns)-.001SC 4 (very severe)Fe/Zn 13 (13 microns)-.0005SC 3 (severe)Fe/Zn 8 (8 microns)-.0003

SC 2 (moderate)

Fe/Zn 5 (5 microns)-.0002

SC 1 (mild)

TYPE I – Clear

TYPE II – Gold

TYPE III – Clear

TYPE IV – Gray

Dull to bright

Givesgalvanic protection to base metal. Untreated (TYPE I) zinc plating

does not maintain its bright surface for a very long period of time.

TYPE II and III treatments retard the formation of white corrosion

products on the plated surface. The service life of zinc plating is

a function of conditions such as thickness, exposure, and usage. The

Service Conditions are as follows: SC 4 – Very Severe: Exposure to

harsh conditions, or subject to frequent exposure to moisture, cleaners,

and saline solutions, and damage by denting, scratching, or abrasive

wear. SC 3 – Severe: Exposure to condensation, perspiration, infrequent

wetting by rain, and cleaners. SC 2 – Moderate: Exposure mostly to

dry indoor atmospheres but subject to occasional condensation, wear,

or abrasion. SC 1 – Mild: Exposure to indoor atmospheres with rare

condensation and subject to minimum wear or abrasion.